Delicious Smoked Turkey Recipe Ideas

A good Smoked Turkey Recipe will allow you to cook this large bird with as little trouble as possible. Most of the cooking can be done while you're sleeping.
Turkey is one of the most perfect meats to smoke. A turkey will only allow the smoke to go into the meat about 1/8 inch, so it does not overwhelm the meat with smoke flavor.
For obvious reasons, a turkey is great for parties. Because of its size, in most cases you won't have to worry about running out of the turkey. It's also easy to slice into bite-size pieces and serve as appetizers.
Here's a smoked turkey recipe that uses a charcoal water smoker to smoke the turkey(an upright smoker with a water pan and usually two levels of grills).
Brine a 12-18 lb. turkey overnight in refrigerator using 1/2 cup of salt per quart of water. Remove turkey from the brine water and dry with paper towels. Rub in olive oil all over the bird.
In a coffee grinder grind 2 tablespoons of whole peppercorns and coat the turkey with it.
Place a 10 lb. bag of regular charcoal in the fire pan. Soak the charcoal with lighter fluid and light. When flames die out, add hickory and/or mesquite chunks on top of the charcoal. Start cooking when the edges of the coals have lit and the flames are out. Fill water pan to top with water.
Place the turkey on top grill. Cover with lid and do not look inside. Never open the lid or side door to look, add water, or add chips. You will not need to after the cooking has begun.
You can start cooking the turkey in the evening and let cook all night, or about 10-12 hours. The temperature by the end is not even cooking the bird, but the smoke is still being infused.
You will find out this is one of the juiciest and flavorful smoked turkeys you've ever eaten, and about as simple as a smoked turkey recipe gets.
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