BBQ Ideas & Technology In Outdoor Cooking
Are there any Bbq Ideas or new outdoor cooking ideas that haven't already been invented?
You would think that this is pretty much an industry that has seen its best new barbeque technology already. And that maybe any barbeque or grill ideas left would be in the recipes. Well, doing a little bit of research suggests there are an amazing amount of barbeque ideas and technology that are either on the horizon or are already on the market.
The goal here will be to present the most innovative bbq ideas that seem to be the new wave in barbeque and grilling technology. Cooking tools, utensils, and bbq gadgets will be added as well. Whether it be a completely interesting and new grill or barbeque cooker device, or just new features associated with the bbq equipment, it will be put up here.
Also, we'll show you any new patio design or patio building idea, equipment, or new tools for outdoor building projects that we come across and seem interesting and useful for those projects.
Here's a great new bbq idea called the The Grill and Cooler Combo. It's easy to use and grills great food and keeps other stuff cold...all at a very reasonable price. Click the link or the picture and get one now. You will love this kind of portability.
There's a brand new grill invention that actually will have its first application as an indoor grill. The new grill technology uses a hydrogen flame as well as electric heat. The grill plug into a household outlet and utilize water and an electrolysis process that creates a small but intense flame. It is also very clean burning.
Salton, the company that makes the George Foreman Grills, owns the rights to this new grill technology. They have said the result is grilled food without the harmful emissions that come with charcoal or propane, making it ideal for indoor use.
Although not extremely new, I have been seeing portable ice makers everywhere lately. They're designed to make about 35 lbs. of ice in a 24 hour time period, or some ice in about 10 minutes.
Small and portable outdoor appliances like the ice maker would be a great addition to an outdoor bar or patio or deck. Buying ice gets expensive, and saving trips into the house is worth a lot right there. And the portability allows yoou to take it with you.
There will be regular additions to this bbq ideas page on a regular basis, or as we find things of interest. Please visit often and see what else is new and interesting in outdoor living.
There's a brand new grill invention that actually will have its first application as an indoor grill. The new grill technology uses a hydrogen flame as well as electric heat. The grill plug into a household outlet and utilize water and an electrolysis process that creates a small but intense flame. It is also very clean burning.
Salton, the company that makes the George Foreman Grills, owns the rights to this new grill technology. They have said the result is grilled food without the harmful emissions that come with charcoal or propane, making it ideal for indoor use.
Although not extremely new, I have been seeing portable ice makers everywhere lately. They're designed to make about 35 lbs. of ice in a 24 hour time period, or some ice in about 10 minutes.
These small appliances would be a great addition to an outdoor bar or patio or deck. Buying ice gets expensive, and saving trips into the house is worth a lot right there.
If you have some basic woodworking skills, here's one of the better bbq ideas out there. It's woodworking plans for a serving tray that will allow you to carry your food until ready for carving and/or serving. There is a compartment below the board for utensils and other things needed for grilled and bbq food. Be sure and check it out if interested.
There will be regular additions to this bbq ideas page on a regular basis, or as we find things of interest. Please visit often and see what else is new and interesting in outdoor living.
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