Backyard Party Ideas
During nice weather, parties tend to move from the living room to the backyard. Good Backyard Party Ideas and outdoor entertaining help can make your parties stand out from the rest.
Probably one of the first bits of advice should be about your, the host's, time. With every backyard party, keep your individual tasks as simple as possible.
At the head of the list of all backyard party ideas is this:
You never want to ever have to "disappear" from the party at any time because you are off somewhere working away at something for long periods of time. Be available for as much of the party as possible. Your guests want to to see you and visit with you. And you will want to throw outdoor parties more often if you are able to enjoy them yourself.
If your backyard party will not be under a covered deck or patio, one of the best backyard party ideas is to consider renting or buying a Party Tent. Nothing will ruin your outdoor party faster than rain. With all the time, work, and money you will put into this, you don't want that relatively small expense to end your party miserably because of a rain shower. So if you don't have a deck or patio cover, make sure to put a party tent on your list.
Decorating for your backyard party can can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like it. It can be decorating to a theme, if you are using one, or just be some of the same decorations you would use in an indoor party. Just make sure you decorate with things that can be taped or fassened down if it's windy that day.
Chasing after decorations from your party is not much fun at all.
If your outdoor party will take place at night, be sure and make sure you have plenty of lighting. You don't want you and your guests feeling around in the dark for their food or drinks.
If you are not willing to purchase all the outdoor light fixtures you will need, then your local rental center can provide you will your outdoor lighting. They'll also give out pretty good lighting advice for your particular lighting needs.
Here's another of the "weather-related" backyard party ideas that could save your party. If it gets a little cool at night, think about purchasing an outdoor fireplace and center it where most of the guests can use it should they get cold.
Many Outdoor fireplaces double as grills, so you can have little snacks or food items available that can be grilled quickly and served. Pieces of foccacia bread or Grilled Texas Sausage with cheese make great little grilled snack items.
For the food, have as much prepared as possible before the party starts. If you are serving barbeque, which takes a long time to cook, have it ready or almost ready before the party has even started. Or try preparing grilled foods that are quick, like steaks or hamburgers.
Better yet, set up a buffet table, where guests pick out different items they want. Maybe put out finger foods to snack on to start with, or maybe some type of a theme like Mexican food items. You could serve quesedillas and have the items for tacos and guests could build them themselves. Just have a way to keep everything covered to keep out flies or bugs.
Speaking of bugs, if you live in an area with lots of mosquitos or any other creatures can get bad, then make sure you have as much protection for you and your guests as possible. Put out citronella candles or tiki torches, bug zappers, and anything else that will fight them off as best as possible. Click on the image to the right for the most effective Backyard Mosquito Control at a great price.
Also, another one of the better backyard party ideas for mosquito control is to have cans of mosquito repellent on every table or at least available for you and guests. And if you were going to rent that party tent, they make them with mosquito netting already built in to take care of two problems at once.
As for outdoor party drinks, a keg of beer is always very welcome. If your guests are all pretty good friends and you don't have a huge budget, don't be afraid to ask them to pitch in for the keg. Friends will be happy to, especially when you're supplying everything else for this party.
Some other backyard party ideas for drinks, and keeping with the same theme, is to have lots margarita mix made ahead of time. Guests could add the salt, ice, and tequila themselves. Also, renting a margarita machine is a good idea if your budget allows it. You can use the machine to make frozen daiqueris or the margaritas. Again, ask your friends to pitch in for a margarita machine rental.
Here are some backyard party ideas and plans for those of you like to build things. An outdoor bar built by you would really impress your friends, and create a nice focal point and a good hangout spot for you and your party guests. Here are some great easy bar plans that can get you started building your own party bar for your deck, patio, or pool area. They offer a nice selection of bar plans, many of which can be adapted to your backyard party needs.
These backyard party ideas will be regularly updated and added to. Please visit again, and pick up more help and information for all your backyard parties.
The Famous Margarita King - The World's Best Margarita
Always Keep Your Outdoor Parties Dry With a Party Tent
Check Out the Ultimate Backyard Party Item...the Outdoor Bar
Free Printable BBQ Invitation and Make Your Outdoor Party Special
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