A Filet Mignon Recipe Fit For the King of All Steaks
For the absolute finest, most expensive beef cut, you need to have a Filet Mignon Recipe that will turn out perfect beef filets every time. It has to be perfect, because it is an absolute crying shame to ever ruin such an expensive, fine cut of meat.
To make sure this never happens, a simple and foolproof filet mignon recipe is necessary. You will not be shorting yourself on taste, either, because the filet mignon is in itself the easiest cut to master.
What exactly is a Filet Mignon? Contrary to popular belief, a filet mignon is not a beef tenderloin steak that has been wrapped in bacon. The term filet mignon literally means, in French, small boneless meat.
The filet minon comes from the small end of the beef tenderloin. This end is even a nicer, more expensive piece of meat than the large end. It is often wrapped in bacon before grilling, but this is not what makes it a filet minon. Just being from the small end of the tenderloin gives it the name.
Try one of the filet mignon recipes below and discover the king of beef steaks, the filet minon.
This first filet mignon recipe calls for you making a delicious sauce for your steak. The sauce is the most difficult thing about this recipe, and it is very simple. This makes a very classy meal as you can imagine.
Grilled Filet Mignon with Peppercorn Mustard Sauce
Ingredients for Beef:
4 1 1/2 to 2-inch filet mignon steaks
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Brush the meat with oil and season both sides with salt and pepper. Grill the meat over direct heat for 3 minutes per side for rare to medium rare. Take off grill and let meat rest while you make the sauce.
Ingredients for Sauce:
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/3 cup minced onions
1/2 cup cognac
1/2 cup fat-free beef broth
1/4 cup green peppercorn or Dijon mustard
Saute onions in a medium frying pan for 30 seconds. Add cognac; cook 10 seconds. Add broth and mustard; stir well. Reduce heat; cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Serve steaks with sauce.
- Check out all the other Grilling Recipes and Ideas and leave the Filet Mignon Recipe Page
